Light up
their world
Lit up: 88 homes
Installed capacity: 8.3kW

Dec 23, 2017
Tarun and Sudeep's home
ETS 070-2
Two young kids living in the middle of nowhere. A reasonable home.
Dec 23, 2017
Ashitha's home
ETS 069-3
May not be the most deserving home, but so far away from civilization that makes it deserving.
Dec 08, 2017
Ashwini's home
ETS 067-5
A reasonable house with two school going kids. Almost complete to move in.
Nov 03, 2017
Kusuma's home
ETS 065-7
10th std kid (gold medal holder for essay writing!) living in a shack.
Sep 01, 2017
Bhavana's home
ETS 061-2
10th and 2nd PU girls, in a reasonable home. Doing well in academics.
Apr 07, 2017
Zamshera's home
ETS 058-5
Thirteen year old child staying with her grandparents in a shack.
Apr 07, 2017
Bhagyalakshmi's home
ETS 057-6
Seven year child, staying with her grandparents in a shack.
Mar 10, 2017
Dayana's home
ETS 053-1
8th standard kid, living in a run down home, with her gradmom and dad.
Mar 10, 2017
Sachin's home
ETS 052-2
Two small kids, in a little house. One just stepping into the realm of schooling.
Mar 11, 2017
Lokesha's home
ETS 051-3
A not fully deserving home, but daily wage workers living too far away from the grid.
Mar 11, 2017
Muthappa's home
ETS 050-4
A not fully deserving home, but daily wage workers living too far away from the grid.
Feb 10, 2017
Teertha's home
ETS 049-5
A new house, in the works for a long long time. 2 school going kids. Finally, lights to move in from a shanty to a new home.
Feb 10, 2017
Durgaprasad's home
ETS 048-6
Durgaprasad is the smartest of them all! All of 13 years old, watched us do the installation for his home and for the next two houses, he was our kid-Friday!
Feb 10, 2017
Deekshith's home
ETS 047-7
3 school going kids, in a run down house. But a very happy family!
Jan 21, 2017
Havyashree's home
ETS 046-8
4 kids, in a twin house. The farthest we have seen from the grid.
Sponsored by ADVA Optical Networking, CSR team Bangalore.
Jan 20, 2017
Pavithra's home
ETS 045-0
A 10th standard kid, in a reasonable house. Too far away for the grid to reach.
Sponsored by ADVA Optical Networking, CSR team Bangalore.
Jan 20, 2017
Asha's home
ETS 044-1
Two kids, one girl and a boy in a reasonable house. Too far away from civilization for lights to reach.
Sponsored by ADVA Optical Networking, CSR team Bangalore.
Dec 09, 2016
Vidhya's home
ETS 042-3
Two school going children, aged 12 and 10. The most picturesque house we have ever seen. Beside a stream, next to a waterfall!
Dec 09, 2016
Tasvitha's home
ETS 041-4
3 school going children, two girls and a boy. A reasonable house.
Oct 19, 2016
Kalpana's home
ETS 040-5
One college going kid and one school drop out. Daily wage workers, living in a dilapidated house. DPS Bangalore North students helped us with this installation.
Oct 19, 2016
Rakshita's home
ETS 039-6
3 school going children, in a two room house. Kids from DPS Bangalore North helped us install this.

Oct 08, 2016
Saroja's home
ETS 038-7
A house with two college going kids.
Oct 08, 2016
Navya and Divya
ETS 037-8
One of the poorest houses we have seen so far. A mere room, probably 100 SFT.

Oct 08, 2016
Ashwith's home
ETS 036-0
Two school going kids, one pursuing MA and the other ITI diploma. Living in a reasonable hose.
Oct 07, 2016
Saroja's home
ETS 035-1
One school going kid and an aged parent, disabled by a stroke, living in a reasonable house.
Sep 24, 2016
Deekshita's home
ETS 034-2
Two school going children, living in darkness. ETS brings them some hope.
Sep 23, 2016
Gopala's home
ETS 032-5
Again, possible wrong house to install in. However, economic conditions are poor.
Aug 27, 2016
Meenakshi's home
ETS 030-6
An extremely poor house, far away from everything. A 50W install done here, on a trial basis.
Sep 23, 2016
Hithkari's home
ETS 031-5
While this seemed to be a deserving house, we are not totally sure. We took to surveying in a lot more detail, post this install.
Aug 26, 2016
Deshamma's home
ETS 029-7
A reasonable house, with one school going child. 50W install done here, on a trial basis.
Aug 06, 2016
Padmavati's home
ETS 028-8
A reasonable house, with two school going children. Had a govt provided solar light set, that lasted just about 3 months.
Aug 05, 2016
Kamakshi's home
ETS 027-0
A poor household, but one that brings joy! A hard working kid, studying for M.Com
Aug 05, 2016
Khadeeja's home
ETS 026-1
Another poor home with three kids in 10th, 12th and 2nd Std. Eldest kid dropped out of school.
Aug 05, 2016
Parvathi's home
ETS 025-2
A poor house, with two grown up kids. One dropped out of school after 9th Std and the other has completed nursing.
Jul 09, 2016
Maimuna's home
ETS 024-3
2 school going kids, and a house that would break the hardest of hearts. One of the poorest that we have encountered so far.
Jul 08, 2016
Asif's home
ETS 022-5
A reasonable house, with a toddler. An extremely helpful Asif joined us for the rest of the installations. Thank you Asif!
Jun 18, 2016
Ashwathamma's home
ETS 020-7
A really poor house, the first one that we encountered without a toilet. A child studying in first standard.
Jun 10, 2016
Irshad's home
ETS 019-8
A small family, with a reasonable house. A toddler, starting school in a year or so.
Jun 10, 2016
Sameena's home
ETS 018-0
One child and mother, living in a half built house, on the edge of Napokulu.
May 27, 2016
Ashraf's home
ETS 017-1
Three kids in 9th, 8th and 6th class. Now, they can study with lights.
May 27, 2016
Yusuph's home
ETS 016-2
In Napokulu village, eking out a living with a petty shop. Lights for the shop and home.
May 27, 2016
Bhavani's home
ETS 015-3
3 kids, one physically challenged. One of the most well kept houses that we have seen!
May 14, 2016
Shanti's home
ETS 014-4
3 kids, 15 years and twins 14 years old. Now can study for their boards with lights.
May 14, 2016
Janani's home
ETS 013-5
A 10 year old with awesome handwriting. She fills her notebook with writing till midnight, now thankfully with lights!
May 13, 2016
Rama's home
ETS 012-6
Another run down house, with one eight and one six year old studying in darkness. Finally, some light!
May 13, 2016
Ponappa's home
ETS 011-7
A house with 2 kids, one school going and the other dropped out. A sad story of poverty keeping a kid out of school.
May 06, 2016
Ambika's home
ETS 010-8
A run down house, a kilometer away from the nearest light pole. 2 school and 2 two college going kids.
May 06, 2016
Gopala's home
ETS 009-0
A reasonable house, with one school and one college going kid.With the nearest light pole a kilometer away. A picteresque spot!
May 06, 2016
Seetharam's home
ETS 008-1
A house with 3 people, but not really with kids. However, a well deserving household who have been living on kerosene lamps.
Apr 22, 2016
Row of 3 homes
ETS 007-2
3 houses, a kilometer away from the nearest light pole. 4 school going kids and 2 toddlers. Living in harmony amidst nature, now with lights.
Apr 22, 2016
Chengappa's home
ETS 006-3
A reasonable house, but with hand-to-mouth existance. Two kids in college, can now study in light.
Apr 08, 2016
Jainabha's home
ETS 005-4
Staying alone, in darkness, for over 30 years. Finally, there is some light.
Apr 08, 2016
Devamma's home
ETS 004-5
4 kilometers from Cherambane. A run down house, with two kids in school. Lights for two kids to study.
Mar 26, 2016
Jayarama's home
ETS 003-6
Near Cherambane village in Coorg. This location is here. Lights for two kids to study.
Mar 26, 2016
Leela's home
ETS 002-7
Near Cherambane village in Coorg. This location is here. Lights for Chandrakala to study.
Mar 25, 2016
Padma's home
ETS 001-8
Near Bettageri village in Coorg. This location is here. Lights for two kids to study.
Sep 11, 2015
Amayya's home
ETS 000-0
Nestled in the hills of coorg, this is the first home that we electrified. This location is here. Lights after 40 years.
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